Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Why the Top of Your Funnel is Almost Always More Profitable than the Bottom

email marketing a/b testing

Yes. AdWords converts better than most other channels. Anywhere, ever.

But. That doesn’t mean it’s the only option. Or even the best option.

Two reasons why:

First, your cost per lead tends to be higher than other inbound channels. Chiefly because…

Second, AdWords doesn’t scale as well as other options. So you hit a point of diminishing returns. ‘Cause only 3.4% of search queries results in an AdWords click.

That ain’t a lot. ‘Specially on your ~5-10 niche keywords that actually convert.

The trick is to turn your attention from the bottom of the funnel back to the top.

Here’s why the top of your funnel is almost always more profitable than the bottom.

Closing and scaling BOFU deals isn’t sustainable

AdWords has intent. People search, click, and opt-in or buy.

It’s literally trained people to give you money.

It’s the ‘last touch’ so often that it becomes “easy to track ROI.” So like any self-fulfilling prophecy, the more attention it gets, the more “it works.” The more budget and labor and buy-in.

The problem is scale.

Especially when you’re paying $25 to $50+ per click. (Or more — I see you insurance and law.)

Conversions might be good on AdWords. But in many cases there’s (1) not enough to grow your business past six figures. Or (2) there’s not enough margin to reinvest in other areas.

Bottom-of-the-funnel advertising like this works well because you can throw down a few bucks and see a few more bucks come in not long afterward.

But here’s where more problems crop up.

High-end CPCs dramatically push up your Cost Per Leads. That, in turn, pushes up your minimum monthly ad budget. So it’s not uncommon to see ~$30k/month budgets in competitive niches on the low end (I’ve worked on a few myself).

You need so many leads to turn into customers. So you need to cast the net wide enough to convert a few measly percentage points.

Here’s the additional wrinkle, though.

According to a Salesforce B2B benchmark report, it takes an average of 84 days for a lead to become an opportunity:

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And that’s not even a final sale.

84 long, hard days to transition from a lead to an opportunity, and 18 more days to close the deal.

Now. What are your payment terms? Net 30 or worse?

You’re now looking at not recouping a single dollar from that $30k/month budget until the next quarter (at the earliest).

So in reality, you need like four or five times that budget to sustain you. It’s like working capital in finance. You need enough to keep the lights open until the money, eventually, flows back into your bottom line.

Fortunately, all hope isn’t lost.

There’s a powerful antidote to a sluggish, budget-sabotaging funnel. It goes by the name of: Brand Awareness.

The stuff that big, mega enterprises have invested in for years. But most SMBs and tech geeks shy away because it “doesn’t convert.”

Generating brand awareness is a cheap investment

Brand awareness is typically the goal of any top-of-the-funnel campaign.

You want to start positioning your brand favorably within the minds and hearts of consumers.

Unfortunately, it’s often overlooked. It’s the Great Brand vs. Performance Marketing debate.

On the one hand, ‘branding’ is like a clichéd buzzword that’s lost all meaning. And on the other, it’s only seen as viable for large companies with massive budgets. It’s a “nice to have,” not a “must have.”

To make matters worse, it’s nearly impossible to draw a direct line from brand building activities to sales. So it gets dismissed by all hardcore data geeks (even when data itself lies).

But here’s the thing.

When done correctly, brand building is an investment in future sales.

Take a look at Facebook ad expert Jon Loomer’s current ad campaigns:

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What do you notice?

First off, it’s all divided by a typical marketing/sales funnel.

Traffic/reach – TOFU
Lead generation – MOFU
Conversions – BOFU

Now take a look at the daily budgets for each. This is where it gets interesting.

He dedicates the majority of his budget to-top-of-the-funnel marketing activities.

Around $1,500 per month goes to top-of-the-funnel campaigns, and he only sets $300 aside for MOFU and BOFU tactics.

That’s a massive difference.


Why on earth would he invest $1,500 a month into campaigns that have zero chance of converting?

Why not dump that money into MOFU and BOFU campaigns with sale-based offers?

Because he’s making a future investment. You can’t convert sales when there isn’t enough built-in demand in the first place.

Let me explain with some data.

Nielsen conducted a massive study on understanding what drives sales, and they found that 59% of people buy products and services from brands that they recognize.

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Familiar faces are more likely to get the final deal.

But that’s not all.

SurveyMonkey and Search Engine Land found that 70% of consumers look for a known retailer when deciding which search result to click:

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That’s not surprising at all, really.

Think about it:

When you searched for “inbound marketing” recently, did you click on HubSpot or

I’m gonna go out on a limb and say it wasn’t the latter.

Even if were ranking #1, you’d probably still click HubSpot at #5.

Cuz: Brand awareness = trust.

Brand recognition is a powerful way to drive sales.

And once you develop a brand reputation within your own space, you end up being able to drive traffic without having to take the normal funnel stage route.

Meaning you don’t have to pay to drive traffic anymore.

You don’t have to pay for ads and lead magnets.

You just have to focus on closing. You reduce your costs dramatically.

It’s time for some good news:

Building brand awareness is cheap.

I’m talking dirt freaking cheap. Pennies to the dollar cheap.

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According to Moz, Facebook Ads have the cheapest CPM (cost per 1,000 impressions) of any advertising platform ever.

Except they “don’t work,” right?

Maybe, maybe not. But try comparing that cost to the freaking newspaper, magazine, and radio CPMs then:

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And guess what?

You only have to spend $1 per day on Facebook as the minimum daily budget. That means you can reach 4,000 more people a day with ads based on brand awareness for a single measly dollar.

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Using expert-level mathematician skills, that’s 120,000 brand impressions each month for only $30.

That’s just about the cheapest brand exposure you’ll ever get. Like, ever.

That’s 120,000 more people seeing your brand than last month.

Here’s how to implement cheap branding on Facebook to keep your top of the funnel profitable and growing like never before.

Create a self-sustaining TOFU campaign on Facebook

Self-sustaining campaigns run and run and run.

It only takes three easy steps that you can complete in just minutes today.

Create a new, medium-sized saved audience based on your target market.
Create a remarketing audience based on those engaged users.
Create a new lookalike audience based on leads.

With this, you’ll only be spending a few bucks a day while simultaneously creating a campaign that maintains itself.

You just rinse and repeat each time the cycle completes to replenish your audience.

This way, you’re generating thousands of new visits and impressions to build brand awareness every single month.

More brand awareness = more recognition/trust = more sales in fewer funnel stages = less money out of your pocket.

To get started, fire up the Facebook Business Manager and head to the audiences section:

From here, select the option to create a new saved audience:

The saved audience is a great starting point to generate a big enough list for brand awareness campaigns.

Start by entering the basic demographic data associated with your target customers:

Next, it’s time to narrow it down a bit.

You can’t target 200,000,000 people with brand awareness ads. Unfortunately, there aren’t that many people who care about your company.

Start adding various interests related to your company. For example, if you sell SEO services, add that as an interest:

Are your services B2B? Narrow it down further:

Lastly, finish it off with some exclusions to avoid targeting users who typically don’t respond well to your products or services:

Next, hit save and name your audience so that you can recognize it later.

Now, head to the Ads Manager and create a new campaign based on the brand awareness objective:

Then, scroll down to the audience section and choose the saved audience you just created:

Next, set your budget to just a single dollar per day (or more if you have a larger budget):

Now it’s time for the creative.

For brand awareness ads, you don’t want to focus on converting someone to sales. Offers like that won’t resonate with users who have no clue who you are.

Give them value associated with your brand without asking for anything in return.

For example, take your latest blog post and use that as your creative.

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You’re done with the first step. Next up, it’s time to set up a remarketing audience based on visits to your brand awareness blog post.

First things first, you need to get your Facebook Pixel setup if you haven’t already. Head to the Events Manager and select the Pixels option.

Click to create your Pixel and give it a recognizable name for your site:

Next, install your Pixel code by selecting any of the listed options:

From there, simply follow the directions for each based on your choice to get your code installed.

Now, go back to the audience section and create a new custom audience based on website traffic:

Make sure that you select “People who visited specific web pages” as your criteria, and then enter the blog post you drive traffic to for your brand awareness ads:

If you want to get even more specific, narrow down the traffic by refining the frequency to two or more visits:

Still with me?

Next, hit save, and you’ve generated your second audience.

With this audience, you can bring back users and narrow your list down even further to the most brand-aware visitors.

Lastly, you’ll want to take that new custom audience and turn it into a lookalike audience.

That will allow Facebook to wrangle up more users for you to target who have similar interests and tendencies as your best performers in these campaigns.

Genius, right?

Head to the audiences section and create a new lookalike audience. Select the second remarketing audience you just saved as the “Source:”

Next, be sure to choose the 1% audience size to keep it targeted and dirt cheap (See: this study).

Hit save, and you’ve just created a self-sustaining top-of-the-funnel campaign to generate tons of brand awareness.

Phew. You made it.

Now it’s time to sit back and reap the rewards of a well-sown crop.


Yes. You should invest in AdWords.

But invest all you’ve got?

No. Probably not.

Not when you’re looking at ~four * $30k/month to start getting your first few customers. Not unless you’ve got a rich uncle hiding somewhere. Or a private equity firm cutting the checks.

Instead of following the typical playbook, flip the script. Invest in the stuff that’s going to make future sales easier and less expensive.

Invest in branding activities, that you have no way of tracking today, in pursuit of an easier tomorrow.

Brand awareness has the power to drive faster, funnel-skipping sales, at scale. And when done correctly, it can even be a cheap investment that will pay off dividends for years to come.

About the Author: Brad Smith is the founder of Codeless, a B2B content creation company. Frequent contributor to Kissmetrics, Unbounce, WordStream, AdEspresso, Search Engine Journal, Autopilot, and more.


Thursday, December 21, 2017

Make Your Conversion Points Perform Like a Boss

email marketing done right

As marketers, we know that every stage of the buyer's journey matters. We pour our hearts and souls into the entire process from beginning to end. Of course, we love every minute of it, but just ask any marketer, and they'll tell you that what ultimately makes the hard work worthwhile are the conversions.

Conversions are evidence that your marketing strategy is working. It's when marketing dollars come back in profits, and it feels great when conversions are happening. But what if they're not? After all the work you've put into reaching, informing and nurturing your audience, the last thing you want is to lose them right before they convert.

The good news is that conversions are somewhat of a science. While humans can be unpredictable, there are enough marketing studies out there to show us what works effectively at a conversion point and what doesn't. It's not enough for your conversion points to simply exist. They must be effective, and we have some ideas on how to get yours to that level. 


Monday, December 18, 2017

Why Inbound Marketing Fails (and How to Guard Against It)

email marketing health insurance

There’s no doubting the power of inbound marketing.

It’s safe to say that inbound has revolutionized the way marketing works in today’s world.

When it works, that is.

Because many times, it doesn’t. Or at least, it takes too long.

Crafting an inbound campaign requires audience targeting, multiple forms of content based on funnel stages, and perfect integration between marketing and sales. Which rarely happens in most companies.

And on top of that, inbound marketing tends to pull in a very specific type of buyer.

Hint: It ain’t the CEO of a Fortune 500.

Inbound is great for driving certain kinds of leads. But again, many of those are unqualified and can take months to convert.

And you can’t risk spending months or years producing content only to see a trickle of unqualified, small deals roll in your door.

Here’s why inbound marketing fails and how you can guard against it.

Why Inbound Marketing Often Brings in the Wrong Clients

Inbound marketing is like a box of chocolates. You never know…

Cheesy movie quotes aside, this one rings true.

You really don’t know what you’re gonna get when you start a new campaign. Especially when it comes to B2B clients.

Think of it this way:

What clients and client types do you want?

Most likely large corporations. The big-time players. The accounts that will take your business to six-figures overnight.

Now… what clients do you usually get through your blog?

Small businesses. Local shops. Cookie-cutter clients.

Sure, your box of chocolates might have one or two big-time clients. But you really don’t know and can’t always control the outcome.

So why does this happen?

It all comes down to the inbound “funnel.”

Look at the standard funnel stages, and which content/lead magnets are usually associated with them:

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Whitepapers, guides, webinars, and demos.

These are all great. They all work to one degree or another. And there’s no doubt about that.

But when it comes to bringing in top clients, the typical inbound playbook fails miserably.

The only people sitting on hour-long webinars and downloading whitepapers are lower-level employees or a small business’s workers looking to improve their day-to-day, tactical activities.

C-suite executives and decision makers for large corporations aren’t anywhere near this type of content. They’re too busy.

And topics like “XX conversion rate tactics to increase your growth by YY%” don’t appeal to them. Because they don’t do tactics. They hire people to do them.

This leads to a long list of unqualified leads. Ones who aren’t making a final decision to purchase. Or even have a budget worth discussing.

Don’t keep reaching into the chocolate box with your fingers crossed. Unless you have another plan or can supplement it to cover the flaws.

Here’s how to take matters into your own hands and prevent the vicious cycle of poor inbound leads.

How Account-Based Marketing Can Help You Land Better Clients

Scaleable marketing activities work at the top of the funnel. Or for companies with extremely low barriers to purchase (read: low-priced, transactional, or free).

But those very same tactics often fail when you move up the food chain.

They aren’t personalized enough. They’re not customized enough.

And that’s exactly what account-based marketing seeks to achieve.

It focuses on identifying and qualifying ideal prospects first, before trying to get them deep into your funnel.

Before you’ve wasted thousands of dollars A/B testing or sending email campaigns and remarketing ads.

Your typical inbound marketing strategy is like fishing with a net, dragging it across the web and collecting as many leads as possible.

Account-based marketing, on the other hand, is like fishing with spears. You’re carefully selecting a target.

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A great example comes from WP Engine and Terminus.

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Their entire funnel was focused on identifying prospects ahead of time, expanding that research, engaging with them, advocating, and finally measuring success.

Conducting all that account research ahead of time wasn’t cheap or easy. But they got engagement from 93% of accounts on their target list.

Open rates jumped from 27% to 43%.

Overall, they increased their sales opportunities by 28%.

And that’s not all. The WP Engine team targeted 87 accounts and closed 32 deals.

Instead of casting a wide net, they honed in on specific accounts that were desirable and compatible with their services.

Through detailed, one-on-one customization, they were able to land clients that otherwise were unreachable.

So, how do you put some account-based marketing tactics into practice? Here are a few ideas to get you started.

Conduct a Lead Search and Turn Them into an Audience

The first step in any proper account-based marketing game plan is to identify prospects first.

Creating a target list will allow you to get hyper-specific with your marketing messaging.

And we all know that personalization is critical.

Remember that ABM isn’t about marketing to 1,000 companies. Weed out prospects that aren’t going to convert.

Start by researching companies that could utilize your services and that match your target demographics.

You can do most of this directly on LinkedIn’s advanced lead search:

Once you’ve plugged in your data, you can start to add specific target accounts to your list.

Selecting these accounts will add them to your sales list, giving you constant updates.

Now that you’ve found accounts that fit your business goals, it’s time to do some deep digging.

Locate specific accounts and head to their profiles. Click “See all employees” to generate a list of employees at the company:

You can either scan for gatekeepers or use the keyword search to find them faster:

If you notice any shared connections, you have an even better shot at opening the door to a conversation.

And if you dig even deeper, you can often find the prospect’s email and social media accounts:

Start engaging with their content to get yourself out there. Sometimes, that’s all you need to start a conversation.

Take it a step further by researching these leads on tools like Socedo that allow you to target specific leads on social media:

Simply enter a few target keywords related to your products and services, and you’ll generate a huge list of leads.

Weed through the rest by narrowing your keywords down further.

Then simply repeat the same process of engagement and getting your foot in the door. You’ll quickly see which decision makers and buyers from which accounts are in-market.

Keep adding these accounts to a list or a Google Doc that you can keep track of.

The next step is to utilize LinkedIn’s Matched Audiences feature to target ads directly to your accounts.

These new audience formats are already proving to be extremely successful.

Advertisers see a 32% increase in post-click conversion rates with account-based targeting and a 37% increase in CTR for contact targeting.

To get started with these, fire up your LinkedIn Campaign Manager and head to the account assets section.

Click “Matched Audiences”:

Next, select the “Upload list audiences” tab and upload your own list of leads that you’ve collected through Socedo and LinkedIn:

You can upload lists of accounts or direct email contacts:

Be sure to format each with their own template listed in the upload process.

Now you can target high-quality ads their way, driving tons of brand awareness and getting a front row seat to their daily LinkedIn browsing.

Conferences Can Produce High ROIs

Most people think that conferences and conventions are a huge budget waster.

They cost thousands of dollars just to obtain a few tickets.

On top of that, you’ve gotta pay thousands in hotel and transportation costs.

It seems like an ROI nightmare.

Rand Fishkin from Moz estimates that a typical conference can cost anywhere between $4,630–$10,230. That could be your entire month’s marketing budget.

But what if that conference leads to you acquiring a new skill, discovering unique and groundbreaking ideas, or building relationships?

What if it nets you one of your best clients to date?

You could easily double, if not triple, your ROI.

Tons of high-level executives and business owners attend conferences every year. Rand himself has attended dozens over the years and believes they are an amazing investment.

Start by scouting conventions and conferences in your niche, specifically looking at the sponsoring companies of these conventions.

This will give you an idea of whether or not your target accounts are going to be attending.

For example, when you look at Salesforce’s Dreamforce conference page, you can see the exact companies sponsoring and attending:

Knowing that they’re willing to pay big money to sponsor the event and have their brand featured tells you two things:

  1. They have a large budget
  2. They are heavily invested in your niche

Those two elements are critical when it comes to driving a sale.

Conferences are a great place to engage in genuine conversation with current targets and even find new targets for your business.

Sure, it’s old school and “lame.” But if lame works, let’s all be lame together.

So, what’s next? What do you do after you’ve initiated a relationship?

Go Old School with Direct Mail

Initiating the relationship is the easy part.

The hard part is standing out amongst the dozen other people vying for the same client you are.

Thinking about sending a targeted email offer?

Think again.

Email alone isn’t enough to catch their attention (even if it has en emoji in the subject).

And CMOs don’t have time to read your email offer.

Remarketing? Forget it. They see thousands of ads a month.

The goal in this step isn’t to get them to convert.

They aren’t ready yet. Account-based marketing takes a long time, but it doesn’t produce subpar leads like inbound marketing does.

While both take time and money, ABM produces a consistent quality of leads with a higher response rate.

To get the attention of high-level executives and big companies, you need to reach them through uncommon mediums.

For example, direct mail.

One study found that direct mail had the third highest ROI of any marketing tactic.

Another found that direct mail open rates are 42%. That’s nearly double email open rates.

One Utah-based marketing company found massive success with a direct mail campaign to land high-ticket clients.

97th Floor in Utah sent out a direct mail piece to their top clients, encouraging them to give back to the community:

On the back of the piece, they gave each client $20 to use to give back during the holiday season:

They effectively connected their offline efforts with online goals.

On top of that, they connected it to a #20helps hashtag to generate more buzz on social media.

Direct mail is old school, but when combined with online landing pages, it’s massively effective.

Why? Direct mail alone isn’t enough. You have to connect it back to inbound and digital best practices.

According to a study, marketing campaigns that used direct mail in conjunction with digital landing pages experienced a 118% lift in response rates.

Meaning people are much more likely to go to your site if you connect direct mail to online activities.

Want to reach the leads you really need?

Think outside the box and flip the script:

Go old school with direct mail, and tie it back to modern times with a landing page.


Inbound marketing was a game changer when the concept came to life.

And it still is today.

But it’s nowhere near foolproof or all-encompassing.

Results can take months to come to fruition, and the leads you do generate aren’t the ones your business really needs.

High-level executives aren’t sitting on your webinars during their busy schedules.

Decision makers aren’t being swayed by what CTA button color you choose.

In the event that your inbound marketing strategy is failing, you need a backup plan.

Safeguarding by using account-based marketing is a great start.

It can help you reduce the “box of chocolates” effect that you find with typical inbound playbooks.

Seemingly old-school sales methods like direct mail can help you cultivate real, genuine relationships with big-time leads.

The biggest customers don’t sign up after a blog post.

They get referrals. They vet. And they build rapport through personalization before ever signing on the dotted line.

About the Author: Brad Smith is the founder of Codeless, a B2B content creation company. Frequent contributor to Kissmetrics, Unbounce, WordStream, AdEspresso, Search Engine Journal, Autopilot, and more.
