Monday, July 31, 2017

Why Your Ads Should Look 100 Years Old

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Think ‘lead magnet’ ads are new-age? Think again. Free opt-in ad campaigns like that have been around for almost a century. Everyone’s looking for the hot new thing. A watch that counts your steps, takes notes, answers your calls, and oh yeah, also tells time. An iPhone that has a new update every time you

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Beyond Sales: The Different Types of Conversions, Why They Matter, and How to Get More Of Them

5 email marketing tips

When you think of “a conversion”, what goal comes to mind? For most of us, a sale is the ultimate goal, so it’s no surprise that sales and conversions are inextricably linked to each other. But even though a sale might be the end goal, it’s almost never the first thing a new potential customer

Monday, July 24, 2017

How to Track Conversions in Google Analytics

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Visits and pageviews are nice. But conversions are all that matter at the end of the day. The trouble, of course, is that these don’t come ‘preloaded’ with each new analytics account. And you can’t get access to historical, legacy data, either. That means when you let days (or weeks) go by without setting up

Thursday, July 20, 2017

6 Ideas You Can Try Today to Boost Your SaaS Growth and Retention

Download your Free Social Media Cheat Sheet for Small Businesses! [Infographic]

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Marketing is already complicated, but it can be especially complex when you're a small business owner just getting started.

For example, it seems like every single day there's a new place online where you absolutely have to be to market your business, and it can be a huge time investment to try to keep up with standard and emerging social media platforms!

But we're here to tell you the truth: you don't need to be on every single social media platform to market your small business. 

So if that's true, how can you know which social media platforms are right for youDownload our Social Media Cheat Sheet for Small Businesses! It's free, and all you need to do is click the banner below. 

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Don’t Interrupt Me! How to Engage Your Customers Without Annoying Them

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Are you annoying your customers? Probably so. Inundating your audience with multiple messages at inconvenient times isn’t helpful. Therefore, it’s important to know when and how to engage with consumers. “Marketing is your way of connecting with your customers as well as a way to convey your business’ personality and values – it’s an essential

Monday, July 17, 2017

Activity Report: Drill Down to See What is Actually Happening With Your Site or Product

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A part of using analytics is knowing what user behavior is driving what action. Most tools only give you surface-level data. For example, you’re aware that signups decreased last week, but you won’t know which segments are behind any trends in your KPIs. And that makes it pretty useless. Activity Report is our approach to

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Don't Give Up on SEO!  Search Engine Optimization is STILL Essential

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As search engines continue to change up their algorithms, we see multiple articles declaring "SEO is dead" and advising you stop investing in this method of optimizing your site for search engine results.

So, if algorithms are now more about the quality of content, and everyone seems to be declaring that nobody cares about keywords anymore, is search engine optimization even still important? 


Search engine optimization is still integral to businesses looking to make their way to the top of Google results, and here's why:

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Here Are 6 Arguments That Will Get Your Boss to Double Your CRO Budget

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It might come as a surprise to you, but not everyone is completely sold on conversion rate optimization. Let’s say you want to double your CRO budget. Shinier tools. More data. Expert analysts. These things will improve your CRO efforts. Aaaaaand…they cost money. So you have to convince your boss to shell out more money

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

11 Customer-Centric Ways to Grow Your Ecommerce Revenue

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There are three general ways to grow revenue in any ecommerce business: Increase the total number of customers. Increase the average number of times each customer buys from you. Increase the average order value (AOV) from each customer. As ecommerce marketers, knowing what to prioritize can be the difference between a standard year of growth

Monday, July 10, 2017

How to Use the New Lifetime Value Feature in Google Analytics

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You’re drowning in data. You’ve got enough KPIs to track and report on already. Why would you possibly need another one? What good would come of adding yet another hour to the end of you’re already long work day in order to dig it up? The truth, in this case, is that you can’t afford

Friday, July 7, 2017

Behavioral Marketing: A Closer Look at What Gets Consumers Clicking

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In the past, marketing to consumers based on things like how many pages they visited on a site were rudimentary at best. They could tell you, in broad strokes, what a customer might be interested in — but they weren’t very specific. It was a lot like trying to guess what kind of picture a

Sunday, July 2, 2017

10 Ways To Close More Deals In 2017 Inbound Sales

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Are you working hard to increase your success rate this year? We bring you the latest Inbound Sales Techniques that not only generate more sales but will help you close more deals in 2017.

Life Science Marketing Society

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