A good quality email is a mixture of effective elements. Most articles, start at the begging rather than the end, but on this occasion I want to share with you a simple and often overlooked element that will increase the responsiveness of your email and that is how you sign off your email. The following article by Betsy Mikel very much confirms my own finding and beliefs which I think you will find interesting:
Which sign-off do you think is best for professional emails?
Let’s see if you can guess which of these closings the data proved to be the most effective for replies.
Take care
Talk soon
Looking forward to your thoughts
Your initials
[No closing at all]The answer? Those that express gratitude. “Emails that closed with a variation of thank you got significantly more responses than emails ending with other popular closings,” Greenley writes. Here are the exact numbers: Emails that ended in Thanks in advance had a 65.7 percent response rate. Of emails that ended in Thanks, 63 percent got responses. The third most effective closing was Thank you with a 57.9 percent response rate. Across the board, Boomerang found that sign-offs that included some sort of expression of gratitude had a 36 percent relative increase in average response rate.
The worst way to end your emailsIt’s also worth exploring a couple of the lowest-performing sign-offs on the list. It turns out that ending your email in Regards or Best could be dooming your response potential. In the 350,000 email threads they examined, Boomerang found Best was the worst performer of them all.
The below email reinforces this effective email type of thinking:
Kind regards
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